Matías Rossi

8 podcasts

Overwhelmed by the institutionalised discourse of politics and economists, we invite artists, philosophers, researchers and poets to share their ideas about what is happening to us, to comment on the positive and negative implications of this structural crisis, and to imagine an uncertain future.

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Specials #incrisis #incrisis Eduard Escoffet Ignasi Aballí Matías Rossi Perejaume recession

Jonny Trunk walks us through a hard-to-find and yet very familiar genre: library music. Or as he puts it: 'The strange noise that TV makes at night.'

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Research MEMORABILIA Jonny Trunk Matías Rossi MEMORABILIA

Over the past twenty years, this North American of Iraqi origins has immersed himself in popular and folk music scenes and subgenres from Syria, Iraq, Sumatra, Cambodia, Thailand and other places, in order to rescue what he calls "sound anomalies" from oblivion.

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Research MEMORABILIA collection Mark Gergis Matías Rossi MEMORABILIA Sublime Frequencies
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384