Jonny Trunk

5 podcasts

We dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with sound collector Jonny Trunk that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra MEMORABILIA Deleted Scenes Jonny Trunk

Jonny Trunk picks his fifteen favourite tracks from the fifteen best library music companies in his collection.

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Research MEMORABILIA Jonny Trunk MEMORABILIA music music selection summerishere

Jonny Trunk walks us through a hard-to-find and yet very familiar genre: library music. Or as he puts it: 'The strange noise that TV makes at night.'

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Research MEMORABILIA Jonny Trunk Matías Rossi MEMORABILIA

This is a conversation by email with record and sound collector Jonny Trunk, which took place on April-May 2012, to prepare a monograph on his sound collection.

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Extra Conversation Creative Commons Jonny Trunk
As a teaser for his forthcoming lecture, Jonny Trunk compiles fifteen gems from his very own sound collection.
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Extra MEMORABILIA Audio_EXTRA Jonny Trunk MEMORABILIA summerishere Teaser
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384