Deleted Scenes

124 podcasts
19 MIN
Son[i]a #346. Jessica Ekomane
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with sound artist and musician Jessica Ekomane. We talk about sci-fi and emancipatory spaces, her VR project, her approach to live shows and her collaborations.

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Extra African diaspora computer music Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Jessica Ekomane sound + technology
17 MIN
Son[i]a #341. Maria Ptqk
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with writer, researcher and curator Maria Ptqk. We open the door to indigenous epistemologies that help us identify Western mechanisms of knowledge production and legitimisation, we problematise the notion of invasive species, and, three decades after the Cyborg Manifesto, we put a question from Maria Ptqk to Donna Haraway in a bottle.   



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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Donna Haraway ecofeminism Maria Ptqk natureculture
23 MIN
Son[i]a #340. Jaime Vindel
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with essayist and researcher Jaime Vindel. We explore the aesthetic rift generated in modernity, between art and ecology and the city and the countryside, with particular reference to two of its big icons: petrol stations and car culture.

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Extra Climate change Creative Commons Deleted Scenes ecofeminism Jaime Vindel political imagination

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Marie Hélène Pereira and Fatima Bintou Rassoul Sy—two key members of Raw Material Company—. We talk about connecting locally, about working with and empowering Afro communities, about keeping the archive alive, and about working with orality.

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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Fatima Bintou Rassoul Sy Marie Hélène Pereira Re-Imagine Europe

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with writer, researcher and curator Maite Garbayo-Maeztu that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes feminism Maite Garbayo-Maeztu
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Son[i]a #384
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Title of podcast
Son[i]a #384