African diaspora

10 podcasts
70 MIN
Son[i]a #386
Lydia Ourahmane

Lydia Ourahmane is an Algerian-born multidisciplinary artist who has spent much of her life in the UK. In her installations and interventions, the notions of object and subject—considered separate in Western thought—converge and dialogue between the public and private, the alien and borrowed, migration and extractivism, everyday life and the affective materiality of things. In this podcast we talk (in total darkness) to Lydia about her relationship with echo as a phenomenon for the creation of negative space, about listening as a trigger for singular experience. We also talk about her connection to spirituality through her family experience, a community persecuted for its faith in her home country. Finally, we hear some open questions about the idea of home, belonging and freedom, and about the miraculous, the unexplained and the absolute.

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Son[i]a African diaspora Creative Commons Lydia Ourahmane migra and coloniality sound spirituality
19 MIN
Son[i]a #346. Jessica Ekomane
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with sound artist and musician Jessica Ekomane. We talk about sci-fi and emancipatory spaces, her VR project, her approach to live shows and her collaborations.

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Extra African diaspora computer music Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Jessica Ekomane sound + technology
86 MIN
Son[i]a #346
Jessica Ekomane

Jessica Ekomane is a sound artist and composer, and a lecturer in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Universität der Künste Berlin. Ekomane’s quadraphonic performances and installations approach algorithmic/computer music as a social practice that is grounded in questions such as the relationship between individual perception and collective dynamics, and explores listening expectations and their societal roots. In this podcast, we talk about the freedom of play, eMule, pipe organs, the limitations and flexibility of Max/MSP, early non-Western sound synthesis, DIY research, quotas, minimalism, and her early love for Ligeti and Destiny's Child.

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Son[i]a African diaspora computer music Jessica Ekomane Natascha Sadr Haghighian radio
13 MIN
Son[i]a #339. Aho Ssan
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with French sound artist Aho Ssan. We talk about his African heritage, his influences and we pay homage to two big names in electronic music, who sadly are no longer with us: Pita and Mika Vainio.

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Extra African diaspora Aho Ssan Creative Commons Desiré Niamké music Re-Imagine Europe
54 MIN
Son[i]a #339
Aho Ssan

Aho Ssan is a French musician of Ivorian and Ghanaian descent who has been involved in graphic design and film works under his given name, Desiré Niamké. These practices, like his multiple identity, resonate in his music. In this podcast we talk to Aho Ssan about his grandfather’s lost trumpet and about an Ivory Coast jazz band that’s impossible to track down. Along the way, we share the cinematic tension of his debut LP Simulacrum and the various routes that led him there. Techno’s cultural appropriation, Black Bandcamp, and the glaring lack of representation of black artists in global electronica are part of the road he has travelled and the lessons learnt along the way.

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Son[i]a African diaspora Aho Ssan Desiré Niamké music Re-Imagine Europe
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384