39 podcasts

This is a conversation by email with ephemeral film collector Rick Prelinger, which took place on April 2011.

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Extra MEMORABILIA archive collection Conversation MEMORABILIA Rick Prelinger

This is a conversation by email with record and sound collector Mark Gergis, which took place on April 2011, to prepare a monograph on his sound collection.

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Extra MEMORABILIA Conversation Mark Gergis

This is a conversation by email with Dutch collector Ed Veenstra, which took place on April 2011, to prepare a monograph on his sound collection.

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Extra MEMORABILIA Broken Music collection Conversation Ed Veenstra MEMORABILIA

This is a conversation by email with William Bennett (Whitehouse), which took place on March 2011, to prepare a monograph on his sound collection.

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Extra MEMORABILIA collection Conversation William Bennett
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384