12 MIN

Son[i]a #54
Asier Mendizabal, Peio Aguirre and Bartomeu Marí

Son[i]a #54

Asier Mendizabal (Ordizia, Guipuzkoa, 1973) is one of the Basque artists of the new generation who pays most attention to the relations between form, discourse and ideology. His oeuvre could be described as a critique of ideology based on the mise en scène of the structures that shape it. Through the expanded fields of art, rock music, cinema, politics and theory his view on social structures leads him to sketch out a map of the totality of production relations.

Asier Mendizabal’s transversal, multidisciplinary approach focuses sharply on the difficulties of representation inherent in the political, as well as on the gaps between artistic activity and the “political unconscious” present in cultural productions, manifestations of the collective and mass movements.

SON[I]A speaks with Asier Mendizabal, Peio Aguirre and Bartomeu Marí about the exhibition.

Son[i]a Asier Mendizabal Bartomeu Marí exhibition Peio Aguirre
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Son[i]a #54 Asier Mendizabal, Peio Aguirre and Bartomeu Marí
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