17 MIN

Son[i]a #138
Šejla Kamerić


‘1395 Days without Red’ is a cinematic project by Šejla Kamerić and Anri Sala in collaboration with Ari Benjamin Meyers. Conceived, developed and filmed collaboratively, it led to the production of two separate films, which were presented together for the first time at MACBA.

‘1395 Days without Red’ delves deep into the experience of the siege of Sarajevo, which took place from April 5th 1992 to February 29th 1996: a total of 1,395 days. The two films take viewers on a journey into the past from the perspective of the present, through the artists’ daily routes in today’s Sarajevo, which recreate what was once known as ‘Sniper Alley’.

For Šejla Kamerić ‘1395 Days without Red’ is a personal journey through her own recent history, a recreation of events experienced first-hand growing up in Sarajevo during the siege. This experience has not only decisively influenced her attitude as an artist, but also her way of understanding and practising art.

She uses photography and video to develop a very personal narration that refers to local collective experiences – framed mostly within the political context of Bosnia Herzegovina and either in relation or opposition to the global socio-political context – and to other, more personal experiences that lead her to reflect on universal values. An artistic practice firmly rooted in seeking and exploring her own identity as an artist.

Son[i]a talks to Šejla Kamerić about her work, the use of memory and self-representation as critical tools, and the relationship between art and politics.

Son[i]a Anri Sala Ari Benjamin Meyers Bosnia Herzegovina cinema collection Šejla Kamerić
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