En este podcast, los escritores, investigadores y activistas libaneses Lara y Stephen Sheehi nos guían a través de la realidad cotidiana del psicoanálisis bajo la ocupación, las operaciones psicológicas sionistas y la praxis (anti)opresiva. Hablamos de guerra psicológica, Sumud (o el ensueño de la resistencia) y sobre la mundanidad de nuestras subjetividades en un mundo que no es igual para todas.
Through media such as lectures, performance, video, drawing, installation, and sculpture, Haig Aivazian’s multifaceted works intricately blend the personal and the geopolitical as well as micro and macro narratives. They uncover or perhaps even fabricate complex threads, timelines and visual networks with multiple layers of meaning and ambiguity. His stories are intended to puzzle, reveal intangible connections, and evoke a sense of ghostly friction among conflicting ideas. In this podcast, we talk to Haig Aivazian about counter-propaganda, sports, blackouts, Palestine, fugitivity and what he calls “the dumping grounds of democracy”.