Deutsche Kassettentäter
3 podcasts
61 MIN
Deutsche Kassettentäter. The rise of the German home-recording tape scene #2
Deutsche Kassettentäter. The rise of the German home-recording tape scene #2
ZickZack label founder Alfred Hilsberg and author Frank Apunkt Schneider talk about the cultural, social and political conditions in Germany at the end of the seventies that gave rise to a radical new type of music, which Schneider describes as 'the undirected aggression of the freed noises'.
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Deutsche Kassettentäter. The rise of the German home-recording tape scene #1
Translated lyrics
Translated lyrics
A compilation of the lyrics and the English translations of the Deutsche Kassettentäter music selection by Felix Kubin.
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60 MIN
Deutsche Kassettentäter. The rise of the German home-recording tape scene #1
Deutsche Kassettentäter. The rise of the German home-recording tape scene #1
Felix Kubin brings us back the vitality of the Neue Deutsche Welle through lost tracks published on tape between 1981 and 1993.
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