Son[i]a #46
Manuel J. Borja-Villel about the PEI
The aim of this second Programme of Independent Studies (Programa d’Estudis Independents, PEI) is to explore artistic practices that link art to human science and critical and social intervention. In pursuing this goal, the programme seeks to encourage and develop students’ ability to act in professional spheres, taking a critical stance towards art and culture. For this reason, the PEI promotes the construction of new spaces for political education and offers a forum for experimenting with the nature of the relationship between the museum and the public.
The participants in this second edition of the PEI include Xavier Antich, Manuel Asensi, Neil Smith, George Yúdice, Marcelo Expósito, Beatriz Preciado, Suely Rolnk and Jordana Mendelson, amongst others.
With MACBA director Manuel J. Borja-Villel, SON[I]A discusses the PEI’s aims and talks about the role of the spectator, the possibility of transmitting a different type of knowledge through a space for relating and the role of feminist theories in this alternative modus operandi.
Jordana Mendelson talks about the condition of the document and the modern photographic utopia.
Interview with Beatriz Preciado, a lecturer in the PEI program who also leads the workshop "Art After Feminisms".
Interview with Manuel J. Borja Villel and Charles Esche about the local reality and the periferia concept.
Interview with Manuel Asensi, co-director of the Independent Studies Programme (PEI 2006).