SON[I]A #407
Eleonora Belfiore
Eleonora Belfiore is a researcher and professor of Communication and Media Studies working at the intersection of cultural value, policy, and public engagement, with an emphasis on the social impacts of the arts and culture. Belfiore’s research critically examines the role of cultural policy in shaping public discourse and access to the arts, —advocating for policies that promote inclusivity and equity.
In addition to her theoretical work, Belfiore has a particular interest in socially engaged arts practice. In this sector, she plays a crucial role in highlighting the labor injustices promoted and reinforced by decades of neoliberal policies and argues for demanding an overall improvement in working conditions in a sector traditionally undervalued by funders and policymakers. Her work, mostly focusing on the UK context, often challenges the assumptions underlying cultural value —and questions the methods used to evaluate cultural impact, in an attempt to bridge the gap between cultural theory and practical policy-making.
In this podcast, we talk to Eleonora Belfiore about self-exploitation, value metrics, austerity, social change, community development, feminist ethics of care and cognitive dissonance.
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