Son[i]a #184
Michael Hardt
Michael Hardt is a Professor of Literature at Duke University, North Carolina. His recent works have primarily dealt with aspects of globalisation and with a reinterpretation of the political left in the light of the wave of popular uprisings taking place around the world. At the turn of the century, with philosopher Antonio Negri, he co-authored ‘Empire’ and ‘Multitude’, which quickly became milestones of contemporary political theory.
In 2012, Michael Hardt again teamed up with Negri to write ‘Declaration’, an electronic publication that reflects on the Occupy movements and their potential for a new democratic openness. As the authors explain in the introduction, the title ‘Declaration’ is a reversal of what manifestos once were: it is a theoretical formulation of what society generates in the streets and squares.
SON[I]A talks to Michael Hardt about what role revolutions have today as spaces for new social creation.
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