18 MIN

Son[i]a #116
Kenneth Goldsmith


Poet, university professor and amateur archivist, Kenneth Goldsmith is the founder and main editor of Ubuweb, the Internet’s largest archive of artistic avant-garde material. An underground project that has no institutional backing or budget of any kind, Ubuweb is an influential repository that is as exhaustive as it is personal, reflecting the preferences, quirks and obsessions of its creator.

Son[i]a talks to Kenneth Goldsmith about the origins, ideas and operation of Ubuweb.

+ info

Son[i]a 2006-2016: our 10 most listened-to podcasts EVER archive Kenneth Goldsmith Ubuweb

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Son[i]a #116 Kenneth Goldsmith
Son[i]a #384
Son[i]a #116 Kenneth Goldsmith
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Son[i]a #384