Sound has no hidden face...
Curated by Barbara Held and Pilar Subirà
“[sound] is a present in waves on a swell, not in a point on a line; it is a time that opens up, that is hollowed out, that is enlarged or ramified, that envelops or separates, that becomes or is turned into a loop, that stretches out or contracts…” J-L Nancy
LINES OF SIGHT #2 investigates concepts of time, non-linear and non-Western, the latency of transmission or the use of acoustic and electronic delay, daily rituals and nature, a recorded slice of time and networked collaborations in the music of…
01 Brenda Hutchinson, “dailybell2008, (2/29/2008, 7:27 AM)” 00’44
02 Pauline Oliveros and Miya Masaoka “Daylight”, 2007 12’53”
03 Phill Niblock, “Russian Train”, 2007 10’02”
04 José Maceda, “Kubing”, 1967 (performed by University of the Philippines Contemporary Music Ensemble, conducted by Ramon P. Santos, 2007) 08’45”
05 Chris Brown, “Stupas”, 2007 (performed by Chris Brown and William Winant) 15′
06 The Hub, “ROL’EM”, 1988 07’04”
07 Brenda Hutchinson, “dailybell2008 (2/29/2008, 6:41 PM)” 01’38”
A spaghetti western about experimental music on the West Coast in the 1980s.
Brenda Hutchinson converses with San Francisco composer and performer Jon Brumit about the thread of "collaborating with strangers" that runs through their work.
Barbara Held and Pilar Subirà talk about the exhibition "Possibility of Action: the Life of the Score."
Musical, sociological, biological explorations of how our minds and intuition translate and transmit music.