FONS AUDIO #45. Cildo Meireles
Deleted scenes
We dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with Cildo Meireles that we were unable to include the first time around.
Often reduced to a kind of "psychedelia Made in Brazil", Tropicália was actually a reinvention of Brazilian popular music, which was able to encompass elements from the local scene and beyond, modern styles and traditional music, with all the contradictions that this implies. Curated by Raül G. Pratginestós.
Interview with Max Jorge Hinderer about the 'Cosmococa' series of performance-projections that Brazilian artist Hélio Oiticica imagined in the seventies in conjunction with Neville Almeida.
Meireles has the ability to materialise philosophical ideas through small gestures and a great economy of means. His processes are simple, owing to his propensity to not complicate things. In FONS ÀUDIO #45 Cildo Meireles talks about his works in the MACBA Collection.
Bartomeu Marí, Guy Brett and Cildo Meireles talk about the "Cildo MEireles" exhibition an his work.