• 00:01 Travelling
  • 00:06 Afective architecture
  • 00:59 Sleeping
  • 02:01 Interactions
  • 04:01 Power and desire
  • 05:03 Animality
  • 10:43 ¿Artist or spiritualist?
04/04/2023 18' 50''
María José Arjona, Segundo Mensajero, parte de Avistamiento, en Flora ars + natura, Bogotá, 2015. Cortesía de la artista

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with the choreographer, performer and artist Maria José Arjona. We talk about travel as a catalyst for her work, about interaction with the spectator, about her repertoire of gestures, about connecting and listening to animality, and about contact with the other side.

Conversation: Violeta Ospina, Ricardo Cárdenas, Noela Covelo and Anna Ramos. Script: Violeta Ospina. Sound production: Violeta Ospina and Roc Jiménez de Cisneros.
Extranon-humanperformanceMaria José ArjonaCreative Commons

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