• 00:01 Recognition of the cognitive changes generated by the speed at which information flows through networks
  • 04:40 Browsing in the midst of harsh guidelines. Free routers: a case study
  • 08:05 I don’t think I’ve read any humanist laws since the 2000s. Seeking out the margins and new alliances
  • 15:42 All this is a political and legal reality, but then there’s our lives. Stickers over the computer’s camera
  • 17:21 The stage of innocence is over: finding spaces that we can humanly control more
  • 26:25 Barcelona-based community radios: the cases of Villa Urania and Teleeduca
02/07/2020 34' 11''

We dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with Efraín Foglia about the Xarxa de Ràdios Comunitàries de Barcelona (XRCB) that we were unable to include the first time around.

ExtraradiocommunityEfraín Foglia

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