• 00:01 History as physical sediment and its objecthood. How can art get beyond the 9/11 artefacts housed in Hangar 17?
  • 04:27 Second case study: from the ruins of the Spanish embassy in Berlin to Cincuenta lluvias (Fifty Rains), 1991
  • 21:31 Installation as a narrative device: a spherical reading
27/08/2021 23' 39''
Francesc Torres "Memoria fragmentada. 11-S NY. Artefactos en el Hangar 17", 2011

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with artist Francesc Torres that we were unable to include the first time around. 

Conversation: Loli Acebal, Anna Ramos and Verónica Lahitte. Script: Loli Acebal. Production: Anna Ramos.
ExtraFrancesc TorresDeleted ScenesmemoryinstallationCreative Commons

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