• 00:01 Reform and militarisation
  • 03:47 Creating a salad garden in a museum
  • 05:52 A tangential way in, for those who would otherwise never approach contemporary art
  • 08:34 Libraries of things and plenty of Kropotkin
  • 11:36 From social movements to public policies
  • 16:29 Less epic, more effective: avoiding the Atlas complex
  • 17:42 Lavapies centricity
  • 18:32 Talking degrowth is not a turn on
  • 19:52 Dilemmas and forms of seduction
  • 22:43 Algerian gas in Spain: become poorer or kill
  • 23:44 The discourses of impoverishment and redistribution are inextricably linked
  • 24:58 Bakunin or Emma Goldman: I’d rather dance too
  • 26:13 The greening of the island
  • 27:28 The left turns Cuba into a colony of symbols
  • 28:29 Lowering expectations
  • 30:27 Ecofascisms
  • 32:56 Fascist responses to the ecological crisis
  • 33:50 The accelerationist blind spot: preserving universal access to the Neolithic
  • 36:34 Ecomodernism
  • 39:34 Club of Rome vs. Chicago Boys
  • 43:24 A historical flickering: petrol as a magical substance
  • 45:17 Imbalances between city and country
  • 46:13 Things worth conserving
18/06/2018 46' 55''

Working simultaneously in various fields such as academia, social movements, and public policy, Emilio Santiago Muiño (b. Ferrol, 1984) studies and supports social processes involved in transitioning to ecological sustainability. His research is based on evidence of a growing energy shortage that will force Western societies to learn to reduce energy use in coming decades. This is by no means a gloomy scenario, but a historical window of opportunity to promote the reenchangment of everyday life, weakening the neoliberal consumer drive and making it posible to imagine a new culture base don values such as mutual care, life stability, and physical activity linked to a satisfying effort. In Muiño’s words, the idea is to “become poor, so as not to kill”. To make a transition based on desire rather than fear, in order to prevent the emergence of a “resource fascism” driven by competition, geopolitical advantage, and the plunder of increasingly scarce material reserves.

In this podcast we talk to Emilio Santiago Muiño about salad gardens in museums, social movements and public policies, about oil as a magical substance, about re-greening, ecofascism, acceleration, and degrowth, and about how an imaginary of more modest utopías may, in the long term, become a means of finding our way home.

Son[i]aEmilio Santiago MuiñoCreative CommonsdegrowthClimate changeneoliberalismpolitical imagination

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